Seesaw Class Blog

Seesaw Class Blog
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Friday, March 31, 2017

New Maths Online Game

We've been introduced to a new online mathematics game by Room 2 this week called Prodigy.
The students can register using thier own gmail address or  they can come and get log in details from me.
Its a very engaging game and an excellent way to practice maths strategies and number knowledge.

Home Learning - Whanaungatanga

The task this week was to describe how you show 'whanau' at home- in particular how you attain and maintain relationships. Or, describe how an animal community works together to maintain their community.
We had some great examples of diligence this week, Here are a few examples to show.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Assembly led by Ruapehu

Thanks to Zoe and Angus. Mr Taylor commended your demeanour today. Great leadership Ruapehu.
Thanks to those who showed their pepeha learning too. Great courage.

Go Bananaz

We continued the theme of honesty today with Whaea Ruth and Matua Jono. Thanks Denzel for helping to act out the story.

Pass It Session

Room 3 the had lots of fun while learning skills of netball and basketball.

Stunning Sunflowers

Thanks Vicky for dropping these off on Monday.
The sunflowers you planted out the front of the school are still putting on a good show.
We really appreciate everything you do around the school to help make our place a lovely spot to work in.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Here's Matua Grant with our chant. Happy Practicing!

Another session of Hit It

Thanks Jess for teaching us some tennis skills on Thursday.

1st Session of GO BANANAZ

Wow, we were so impressed with our new Bible in Schools group today. The topic was honesty which is one of our virtues.
Two big messages:
1. be honest to others
2. be honest to yourself
This message ties in nicely with our positive mindset. When you find yourself in the learning pit don't say "I'm not good at this," as this isn't true. Instead, you can say, "I'm not good at this ...yet!" or "I can work hard to become good at this."

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What do you do with lots of left over milk from camp?

Make Milo for everybody at school.
Thanks Hennesy and Shila for pouring out all those cups of yummy warm milo at morning tea time.

Cluster Swimming Sport Team 2017

Congratulations to these amazing group of swimmers who competed at Reporoa College today for the Cluster Swimming Sports.
Keep an eye out in the newsletter for their results.
Thanks especially to Whaea Aimee and the parents for organising them, proving transport and supporting them all today.

Congratulations Brie

We are so proud of Brie who has cleaned up some major awards at NZ Horse of the Year.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Measurement Investigation

Task: Plan, design and make a box to fit a toy in so it is safe and snug.
Great maths learning going on here.

Using nets to help visualise the boxes.

It fits!

Measuring accurately.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Swimming Sports

What a fantastic day we had today. Thanks to all the competitors, helpers and spectators for a successful day.